Meet Your Coach

Andre Kruger

I am grateful for the opportunity to help you get unstuck in your life. I have a deep desire to help others and the thrill of watching them reach their goals. I am blessed with the opportunity to be your coach, guide, and mentor on this life journey.I want to help you grow into who you are meant to be.I’m the kind of guy who can help you make your dreams come true!

Whether you need help coming up with a plan for world domination or just need someone to talk to about your personal life, I’m that guy. I’ve been fascinated with personal development since I was 10. My first non-fiction book, Johnathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, took me 3 reads before it finally sunk in. My late mother pushed me in the direction of positive thinking and the science of mind. I have always been interested in what we as humans are capable of, especially when it comes to our subconscious minds.I read books and did workshops on the subconscious, psychology, and motivation at an early age.

I had tons of questions about my friends’ problems when I was younger and they couldn’t find answers from anyone or in any library. This made me into a go-to person at school for my friends that needed help with their issues.The questions I had about friends’ problems when I was younger became an opportunity for me to help them out with their issues through research and self-help advice.

And So

After school I decided that the life of a salesman was the way to go, and my I was happy about it. I loved talking to people and helping them find what they needed, so selling seemed like a perfect fit for me. It’s been tough at times, but with all the challenges in life there are also great rewards! I still regard myself as a salesman to this day.I am not wired to work for a boss, so I found companies with great products that I could sell on commission. One day my search led me to one of the biggest changes in my life.There was a company advertising for a commission only sales rep, the thing that caught my eye about the ad was that they guaranteed their sales training would get sales, automatically, subconsciously. So I made an appointment to meet with them.

That was the day I was introduced to Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and the way my thinking about life changed forever. I had found a tool that could help create lasting change in people, subconsciously.Working there and being trained by some incredible people had been a highlight of my short career for many years.

At the age of 21, I was drawn to the idea of starting my own company and felt like this would be a great opportunity for me. I was anxious, but excited about creating something new. After talking with my best friend, I found myself talking with the head trainer at another training company. It turned out that he had been looking for someone just like me and together we started our own business! After I founded my company and started training, coaching, and leading people from day one, it all paid off when we reached a point where we were training almost daily. However, I lost interest in the actual day to day selling process after some time and as the founding CEO got stuck in running the business. I hired a few salespeople but didn’t train them well enough or long enough so they could take over for me. Eventually the sales dried up and we had to close the company.

That was the first time I had ever felt like a failure in my life.
The feeling was short lived as I used some of the NLP techniques I knew to get over the negative emotions and move on.

Remaining in the coaching and training industry with a new company that I had founded, I spent most of my time working with sales-people and doing personal coaching.

The Change

In 1999 when I received a contract to recruit and train a sales team for an internet company, this was my first real foray into the digital age.

This was also where many companies were starting to see success using computers as crucial tools for business success! With the contract complete the company offered me a franchise to sell their website builder product and early in 2000 I started a website development company.

So I have been in the technology sector for over 30 years. I started with LiveQ, a web development company, then eSeller Solutions and Fourth Dimension Marketing which are both based in the UK.

So how did I become a Transformation Life Coach?

People often ask me why I decided to get into coaching and transformation work in the first place. The truth is, it’s something I’ve been doing for a long time but never had the opportunity to monetize until now. For most of my life, I have helped people grow their business as well as themselves through my interactions with them as clients in one of my digital companies.

There were many reasons that drove me to make this change; however, I will say that one of them was because while working with so many clients during my digital sales career, there were times when they needed more help than what could be offered by just selling products or services alone. The main thing that has changed since making this decision is having an outlet where people can come and talk about how they need help moving past obstacles in order to reach their desired goals.

It isn’t always easy for someone else to see what your own personal challenges and goals are like without you figuring out what they are first-hand yourself – which is exactly what Transformation Coaching does! I no longer sell websites or marketing and have the privilege of working full-time as a coach. I’m a Transformation Life Coach at heart. I was born to help other people realize their own potential and reach their dreams. I’m on purpose when I’m coaching.

My Mission

I want to help you achieve power and greatness from within. I will guide you through the process of achieving all your goals and aspirations while learning how to a live a happier, healthier life.

You deserve fulfillment and success in every aspect of your life – carreer, relationships, spirituality and health and wealth.

The ability to live the life of your dreams is possible with all these guarantees. Imagine having everything you ever wanted, all at once, imagine what living a fulfilled life would be like!

Stop imagining and start doing – because it’s never too late to make changes in your life that will lead you there.