Transformation Coaching

You deserve a better life. You deserve to be happier and healthier than you are right now, or have been in the past. You deserve fulfilment and success in every area of your life – career, relationships, spirituality, health, etc. You should dream big and live the life of your dreams!

Would you like to have the opportunity to live a fulfilled life?
Would you like peace and harmony? 
Do you want better relationships with people?
Do you want a healthier body?
Do you want more motivation and success in your life?
Do you just want more money?

Here’s some of what we do, that will get you all that you want and deserve:

  • Elicitation of your values – (What is important to you in life?)
  • Subconscious Meta Questions
  • Goal Setting
  • Success Mindset Strategies
  • What drives your Subconscious Mind
  • Install New Focus Filters
  • Inner Conflict Therapy (inner peace)
  • Negative Emotional Therapy™ (Remove negative emotions such as guilt, fear, anger, rejection, hurt, doubt, anxiety)
  • Negative Belief Therapy (Delete Limiting Beliefs)
  • Install new Empowering Beliefs
  • New Behavior Generator
  • Anxiety Eliminator
  • Boost Self Love
  • Create a New Transformed Self-Image
  • Live the Life of Your Dreams Exercise
  • Subconscious Goal Setting Techniques
  • New Behavior Generator

Once completed, you will have gained these and much, much more:

  • True Self-love
  • Fulfillment in every area of your life
  • A Focused life
  • A High Self-worth
  • Realized and aligned your core values
  • Released any limiting beliefs that were holding you back
  • Being Free from all negative emotions
  • Inner peace: no more doubting and fighting within
  • Being connected and be in tune with people around you
  • Conscious living, take control of your life
  • Create your life’s vision (know your WHY)
  • Discovering who you are
  • Set challenging, but achievable goals
  • A Blueprint of the perfect life

The Full Program is an enlightening and a rewarding experience that takes approximately 16 hours. The whole program can be completed within 2 weeks. We know it may be difficult to find the time for these 16 hours of work in a business week, so we are available on weekends to help you get started.

What Do We Cover?

What Are Success Mindset Strategies?

It allows you flexibility to see the different possibilities and steps needed to get the job done. Whether it’s in sports, business, academia, or entertainment; Individuals with a success mindset always seem to figure out how to make things happen, despite seemingly impossible odds.

Driver Focus Filter

Most people don’t have their Driver Focus Filter set to the right focus points.
When your Driver Focus Filter is not set correctly, you will make decisions based on a bad filter of what you want in life versus what you really need and desire.

You will learn how to change your current driver focus filter from 1 focus point to 8 different focus points. These new 8 focus points are going to be your top 8 things that you desire and want to experience more of in life.Here are some examples;

Inner Peace, Joy, Love, Success, Abundance Of Wealth, Enlightenment,Energy, Knowledge, Wisdom, Motivation, Self-Worth, Appreciation,Recognition, Control, Inner Power, Self-Knowledge, Inner Freedom,Self-fulfillment, Personal Growth, Patience, Self-Acceptance, Respect,Self-respect, Opportunities, Vibrant Health, Spirituality,Self-Confidence, Independence and Freedom.

Goal Achieving System™

You know that you want to achieve certain goals, but for some reason or another they are just out of your reach. And no matter how hard you work towards these goals and take actions, they still don’t seem to come any closer.

We all have certain dreams we wish to achieve in life such as losing weight, getting a better job, being more social etc. But what if I told you that there is something holding you back from achieving these goals? It’s not because of lack of effort or willpower on your part either.

There is actually a very simple explanation why this happens…
Once you know the reasons behind why it’s so difficult for us humans to stick with our long-term plans and goals (and thus never getting anywhere), then it becomes easy for us to start removing those blocks by simply changing up our approach towards achieving them! This system will teach exactly how this works inside out – step by step! Find out how to program your Goals into your Subconscious Mind.

Elicit Subconscious Hierarchy of Values

If you don’t know what your top values are, then you will never be able to achieve the life that you want.
Most people focus on their top 1 or 2 Values but this is not sustainable or fulfilling in the long run. Your Top 1 or Values might change over time and if they do, it’s hard to build a great future for yourself as these values can lead to negative consequences.

When we help you to Elicit your Subconscious Hierarchy of Values it helps you figure out what your true top values are so that when it comes time to make decisions or plans, you’ll have an easy way of knowing whether something aligns with your highest value or not. As you focus on your values, make sure they are those which guide you in living the life of your dreams. Remember that whatever thoughts you have, they will grow and expand. It is important to focus on what matters most to you.

What Is Inner Conflict Therapy?

Most people have a negative voice in their head that constantly holds them back from achieving their goals and fulfilling their life purpose. This is a problem for most of us because it’s very hard to silence this inner voice on our own.It can be so powerful that we end up sabotaging ourselves, even when we really want something!

That is where Inner Conflict Therapy™ comes into play. We are the only ones who can silence this negative self-talk with our minds effortlessly! Our clients finally get rid of all the limiting and negative self-talk they had about themselves and take one step closer to living an extraordinary life filled with happiness, abundance, love and success!

What Is Anxiety Therapy?

In essence, it combines elements of mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to overcome anxiety and depression. Those practising NLP are taught to rewire the way their brain reacts to certain triggers.

What Is Negative Emotional Therapy?

Negative emotions such as anger, fear and sadness are common in our daily lives. We often suppress them or feel overwhelmed by the intensity of these emotions.

When you do not understand how your emotions serve you but instead dwell in a negative state,you will ultimately stop yourself from living your true potential.

Negative Emotional Therapy™is a quick and effective technique that can help any person to release all those Negative Emotions on the major events from the past, for each particular emotion, one at a time. This will free you from feeling bogged down by them and allow you to take control over your emotions instead of allowing your emotions to control you.

What Is Negative Belief Therapy?

You know that you need to believe in yourself and your dreams, but it’s hard to stay motivated when you’re not sure what those things are. It can be difficult to identify the beliefs that are holding you back from achieving success, happiness or prosperity. Without knowing where yourself-limiting beliefs come from, they can continue to hold you back for years without your even realizing it.

Negative Belief Therapy is a simple method of identifying and changing negative limiting beliefs into positive empowering ones. Negative Belief Therapy is a powerfully phenomenal technique to use in Transforming your life.

What Is The Law Of Vibration and Attraction?

The Law of Vibration and Attraction and other teachings on how to manifest your desires are all good and well. But most teachers or trainers only tell you how to attract what you want without explaining how it works directly with your subconscious.
We dive deep into this subject so that anyone can understand the complex relationship between these two laws. You’ll learn not just how to attract what you want, but also use these principles as a tool for living an abundant life.

Most people who teach on these subjects don’t have any training in psychology or cognitive science, which means they don’t know about the subconscious mind and its role in attracting our desires… Until now! Our program explains everything in detail so that anyone can get results using this method regardless of their background knowledge.

What Is The Law Of Vibration and Attraction?

The Law of Vibration and Attraction and other teachings on how to manifest your desires are all good and well. But most teachers or trainers only tell you how to attract what you want without explaining how it works directly with your subconscious.
We dive deep into this subject so that anyone can understand the complex relationship between these two laws. You’ll learn not just how to attract what you want, but also use these principles as a tool for living an abundant life.

Most people who teach on these subjects don’t have any training in psychology or cognitive science, which means they don’t know about the subconscious mind and its role in attracting our desires… Until now! Our program explains everything in detail so that anyone can get results using this method regardless of their background knowledge.

What Are The Conscious Levels?

The purpose of this section of the program is to help you understand the levels of consciousness. Most people are not aware that they have a choice in what level of consciousness they operate from, and many don’t even know there are different levels.
You will discover how being stuck at lower levels can lead to depression, anxiety, anger, sadness and other states that aren’t conducive to living a happy life. Not only do we want you to feel good while doing our program but we also want you to be able to share it with your family members and friends so they too can learn about these important topics.

We will teach you how the right information can change your life for the better forever! It’s time for us all as human beings on planet earth to raise our consciousness level from negative ones like fear or doubt into positive ones such as love or compassion.

Our Mission

Most people don’t have the clarity they need to change their lives. They are too busy living in the past and worrying about the future that they miss out on what’s happening right now.You might be asking, “How do I get out of this mess that I’m in?” or “What can I do to get my life back on track?” These feelings aren’t going away until you take action and start moving forward again.

The solution is simple, but not too easy – it requires a bit of work, determination and commitment from you. But don’t worry because we’re here to help! If you want your life back on track and you are ready and willing to make some changes, then let’s work together so you can design your dream life – one where anything is possible!

To get started contact me today for a complimentary 30-minute discovery call with me